As a leading tricone bits factory, we offer the IADC216 9 7/8inches (250.8mm) product with precision engineering and exceptional durability. Our factory guarantees quality and affordability.
Tricone bits are available in new steel tooth and tungsten carbide insert, size from 3 3/8"(85.7mm)to 26"(660.4mm) for use in all formations, with any bearing/seal type, and a wide range of additional custom features.Tricone bit, are widely used in mining, oil well, water well, thermal drilling. Tricone bit Included Steel Tooth (also referred to as milled tooth) bits and Tungsten Carbide Insert (TCI) bits,TCI bits are much more durable than Steel Tooth ones, but carry a higher cost to manufacture.
Soft to medium formations with high compressive strength, such as mudstone,gypsum,salt,soft limestone ,etc.
9 7/8" milled tooth tricone bit is widely used in water well drilling, exploration, HDD pilot hole, foundation piling,Sealed Roller Bearings have some of the features of the non-sealed open bearings, but longer lifetime because the bearings are sealed with an O' Ring Seal.